Florida Polytechnic University Research Courtyard
STUDIOPLAATS collaborated with Conner LA for the FPU Research Courtyard. Conner LA is the lead on this project and we worked closely with them on generating several options to review with the client. This Courtyard is located within the center of a new building within the Calatrava Masterplan. The primary goal was to create a space that can be used day to day for breakout meetings and lunches, but also for events that would require the flexibility to accommodate a gatherings and a central platform. Finally, all plantings would need to be durable and shade loving.

FPU Courtyard - Images Property of Conner LA

FPU Courtyard - Images Property of Conner LA

FPU Courtyard - Images Property of Conner LA

FPU Courtyard - Images Property of Conner LA

FPU Courtyard - Images Property of Conner LA

FPU Courtyard - Images Property of Conner LA

FPU Courtyard - Images Property of Conner LA

FPU Courtyard - Images Property of Conner LA

FPU Courtyard - Images Property of Conner LA

FPU Courtyard - Images Property of Conner LA

FPU Courtyard - Images Property of Conner LA

FPU Courtyard - Images Property of Conner LA

FPU Courtyard - Images Property of Conner LA

FPU Courtyard - Images Property of Conner LA

FPU Courtyard - Images Property of Conner LA

FPU Courtyard - Images Property of Conner LA

FPU Courtyard - Images Property of Conner LA

FPU Courtyard - Images Property of Conner LA

FPU Courtyard - Images Property of Conner LA